25 research outputs found

    Optimal Elephant Flow Detection

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    Monitoring the traffic volumes of elephant flows, including the total byte count per flow, is a fundamental capability for online network measurements. We present an asymptotically optimal algorithm for solving this problem in terms of both space and time complexity. This improves on previous approaches, which can only count the number of packets in constant time. We evaluate our work on real packet traces, demonstrating an up to X2.5 speedup compared to the best alternative.Comment: Accepted to IEEE INFOCOM 201

    Efficient Summing over Sliding Windows

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    This paper considers the problem of maintaining statistic aggregates over the last W elements of a data stream. First, the problem of counting the number of 1's in the last W bits of a binary stream is considered. A lower bound of {\Omega}(1/{\epsilon} + log W) memory bits for W{\epsilon}-additive approximations is derived. This is followed by an algorithm whose memory consumption is O(1/{\epsilon} + log W) bits, indicating that the algorithm is optimal and that the bound is tight. Next, the more general problem of maintaining a sum of the last W integers, each in the range of {0,1,...,R}, is addressed. The paper shows that approximating the sum within an additive error of RW{\epsilon} can also be done using {\Theta}(1/{\epsilon} + log W) bits for {\epsilon}={\Omega}(1/W). For {\epsilon}=o(1/W), we present a succinct algorithm which uses B(1 + o(1)) bits, where B={\Theta}(Wlog(1/W{\epsilon})) is the derived lower bound. We show that all lower bounds generalize to randomized algorithms as well. All algorithms process new elements and answer queries in O(1) worst-case time.Comment: A shorter version appears in SWAT 201

    On the Power of False Negative Awareness in Indicator-based Caching Systems

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    Distributed caching systems such as content distribution networks often advertise their content via lightweight approximate indicators (e.g., Bloom filters) to efficiently inform clients where each datum is likely cached. While false-positive indications are necessary and well understood, most existing works assume no false-negative indications. Our work illustrates practical scenarios where false-negatives are unavoidable and ignoring them has a significant impact on system performance. Specifically, we focus on false-negatives induced by indicator staleness, which arises whenever the system advertises the indicator only periodically, rather than immediately reporting every change in the cache. Such scenarios naturally occur, e.g., in bandwidth-constraint environments or when latency impedes the ability of each client to obtain an updated indicator. Our work introduces novel false-negative aware access policies that continuously estimate the false-negative ratio and sometimes access caches despite negative indications. We present optimal policies for homogeneous settings and provide approximation guarantees for our algorithms in heterogeneous environments. We further perform an extensive simulation study with multiple real system traces. We show that our false-negative aware algorithms incur a significantly lower access cost than existing approaches or match the cost of these approaches while requiring an order of magnitude fewer resources (e.g., caching capacity or bandwidth)

    Give Me Some Slack: Efficient Network Measurements

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    Many networking applications require timely access to recent network measurements, which can be captured using a sliding window model. Maintaining such measurements is a challenging task due to the fast line speed and scarcity of fast memory in routers. In this work, we study the impact of allowing slack in the window size on the asymptotic requirements of sliding window problems. That is, the algorithm can dynamically adjust the window size between W and W(1+tau) where tau is a small positive parameter. We demonstrate this model\u27s attractiveness by showing that it enables efficient algorithms to problems such as Maximum and General-Summing that require Omega(W) bits even for constant factor approximations in the exact sliding window model. Additionally, for problems that admit sub-linear approximation algorithms such as Basic-Summing and Count-Distinct, the slack model enables a further asymptotic improvement. The main focus of the paper is on the widely studied Basic-Summing problem of computing the sum of the last W integers from {0,1 ...,R} in a stream. While it is known that Omega(W log R) bits are needed in the exact window model, we show that approximate windows allow an exponential space reduction for constant tau. Specifically, for tau=Theta(1), we present a space lower bound of Omega(log(RW)) bits. Additionally, we show an Omega(log (W/epsilon)) lower bound for RW epsilon additive approximations and a Omega(log (W/epsilon)+log log R) bits lower bound for (1+epsilon) multiplicative approximations. Our work is the first to study this problem in the exact and additive approximation settings. For all settings, we provide memory optimal algorithms that operate in worst case constant time. This strictly improves on the work of [Mayur Datar et al., 2002] for (1+epsilon)-multiplicative approximation that requires O(epsilon^(-1) log(RW)log log (RW)) space and performs updates in O(log (RW)) worst case time. Finally, we show asymptotic improvements for the Count-Distinct, General-Summing and Maximum problems

    Scheduling Advertisement Delivery in Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular users are emerging as a prime market for targeted advertisement, where advertisements (ads) are sent from network points of access to vehicles, and displayed to passengers only if they are relevant to them. In this study, we take the viewpoint of a broker managing the advertisement system, and getting paid every time a relevant ad is displayed to an interested user. The broker selects the ads to broadcast at each point of access so as to maximize its revenue. In this context, we observe that choosing the ads that best fit the users’ interest could actually hurt the broker’s revenue. In light of this conflict, we present Volfied, an algorithm allowing for conflict-free, near-optimal ad selection with very low computational complexity. Our performance evaluation, carried out through real-world vehicular traces, shows that Volfied increases the broker revenue by up to 70% with provably low computational complexity, compared to state-of-the-art alternatives.This work is supported by the European Commission through the H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER project (Project ID 761536).En prens